
How a family doctor coordinates and manages your overall healthcare needs

12, Jul 2024


A family doctor, also known as a primary care physician or general practitioner, plays a crucial role in managing and coordinating your overall healthcare needs. Their approach is comprehensive, patient-centered, and designed to address the wide range of health issues that individuals and families may face over their lifetimes.

Here’s an overview of how a family doctor accomplishes this:

1.  Comprehensive Care

·       Holistic Approach: By considering physical, mental, and emotional health, family doctors treat the whole person.

·       Age and Condition Versatility: They care for patients of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, and manage various conditions.

2.  Health Maintenance and Prevention

·       Regular Check-ups: Conduct routine health screenings and physical exams.

·       Vaccinations and Immunizations: Administer vaccines and ensure patients are up-to-date with immunization schedules.

·       Preventive Health Counseling: Offer guidance on healthy lifestyle choices, diet, exercise, and preventive care measures.

3.  Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Illnesses

·       Symptom Evaluation: Diagnose and treat a wide range of acute conditions like infections, injuries, and sudden illnesses.

·       Immediate Care: Provide timely intervention and management of urgent health issues.

4.  Management of Chronic Conditions

·       Ongoing Monitoring: Regularly monitor chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and arthritis.

·       Medication Management: Prescribe and adjust medications as needed, ensuring safe and effective treatment.

·       Lifestyle Advice: Help patients manage chronic conditions through lifestyle modifications.

5.  Coordination of Specialized Care

·       Referral to Specialists: When specialized care is needed, family doctors refer patients to appropriate specialists and provide the necessary medical history.

·       Communication: Act as a central point of communication between different healthcare providers, ensuring coordinated and integrated care.

6.  Patient Education and Empowerment

·       Health Literacy: Educate patients about their conditions, treatments, and the importance of adherence to medical advice.

·       Shared Decision-Making: Involve patients in decisions about their care, respecting their preferences and values.

7.  Personalized Care

·       Long-term Relationship: Build lasting relationships with patients, understanding their medical history and personal circumstances.

·       Continuity of Care: Offer consistent care over time, which helps in tracking health changes and providing personalized care.

8.  Emergency and After-Hours Care

·       Emergency Guidance: Provide initial care and guidance in emergencies, often directing patients to the appropriate emergency services if needed.

·       After-Hours Accessibility: Offer advice or care through after-hours services for non-life-threatening conditions.

9.  Mental Health Support

·       Mental Health Screening: Identify and manage mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress.

·       Counseling and Referrals: Provide counseling and refer to mental health specialists when more intensive care is required.

10.  Family and Community Health

·       Family-Centered Care: Address health concerns that affect the entire family, recognizing the impact of family dynamics on health.

·       Community Health Involvement: Participate in community health initiatives and programs to promote public health.

11.  Technology and Innovation

·       Electronic Health Records (EHR): Utilize EHR to track patient history, treatments, and outcomes efficiently.

·       Telemedicine: Offer telehealth services to provide care remotely, increasing accessibility for patients.

12.  Advocacy and Support

·       Patient Advocate: Act as an advocate for patients in navigating the healthcare system and accessing necessary services.

·       Support Services: Connect patients with support services, such as social workers, dietitians, and community resources.


Family doctors are essential in maintaining the overall health and well-being of individuals and communities. By providing continuous and comprehensive care, they ensure that health concerns are managed effectively, and patients receive the best possible care tailored to their unique needs.


Providing Quality Medical Care

Dr. Sue Mitra and her staff strive to offer their patients the best care, advice and services available in the medical field with the goal to keep patient healthy & happy.